Thursday, March 11, 2010

A few days of yard work...

So for the first time in my life, cause I am a GIRL, and girls find rentals that have landlords that handle yard work,  I have found yard work on my to do list. YUCK, I can't wait for us to make enough money to hire a yard man but alas we are not there yet. So this past weekend we raked and raked and even broke a rake. And half way through it looked like this....

But 60 bags of leaves later  completed most of the work. Yes, I still have to do all the front beds and then replant some flowers since the many snows we suffered this winter murdered all our pretty flowers. EJ thought it was great fun and took some time playing with the rake. 

Such a cutie! And then when we took the time to move the bags to street EJ hung out in the grass watching and being SOOO good or so I thought...

until I caught him like this... with leaves & DIRT in his hand...

And then he shoved it in his mouth, seriously yuck. 

Yes that is DIRT in his mouth. GROSS! and all boy
(not to worry as soon as I documented the mess I washed his mouth out and got rid of all the dirt!) PROMISE!


cathy said...

Lee Anne- He is so cute!!! I love the picture of him with his mouth open showing you the dirt. I can't believe how big he is getting! Hope you're doing well and think spring!

Megan said...

That picture is priceless! His future girlfriends definitely need to see that.