Monday, January 24, 2011

When All Day Sickness gets scary

This pregnancy has made me hate life. Within days of happily watching a plus sign appear I have spent my days green with nausea. That coupled with my chronic UTIs and one kidney has proven to be a deadly combo.
I thought I was possibly getting a bit better. I actually craved something and successful ate it last weekend and was very hopeful that 12 weeks would bring some relief. I had been having mega issues for weeks drinking water. I just couldn't drink more than 8 ozs every few hours, the lack of taste made me gag and throwing up water is nasty.
Needless to say I got extremely, extremely dehydrated which is bad news for me pregnant or not. But, the scary thing is I did not realize just how dehydrated I was. My body was doing its job and taking care of the wee one and was sucking the rest of my body dry. Monday morning I woke with a UTI, not a big deal. I get them all.the.time. I know how to deal with them and 90% of the time I am able to get over them without meds. I was in a lot of pain Monday night but woke on Tuesday "thinking" I had gotten over it. I felt much better except a very dull, very low backache.
Anyone who has ever had kidney problems knows that a backache on either side of your body is a scary sign of a kidney infection but this time it was in a totally different place. So I called the OB we decided that since it was really low and I had no fever we would wait it out. I was due for my big 12 week appointment the next day so she order some additional labs and I figured I would be fine until the next morning.
Yeah, right. By midnight, I could not stand. I could not sit. All I could do was pace. I was in more pain than I had ever been in while in labor. And I had back labor and waited until 8 cms to get drugs. Thank god my Mom was in town so I woke her up and told her were going to the closest hospital right then. I figured I was over reacting I still had no fever and I wanted Craig to sleep so he would not die at work the next day.
Fast forward a few hours the Dr in the ER walks in on me on all fours in tears due the pain and quickly got me a shot of morphine. A shot that took 15 minutes to take effect and wore off within 2 hours. That means bad pain. After a few hours and few phone consults and some labs it became apparent the lack of fever was fake sign. I was in bad shape with one hell of UTI and Kidney infection. And inpatient I became. On a sidebar, you know you must really be sick when you look at your Dr when she says she is admitting you and you say that you think its a good idea.  I was a pitiful mess the next 48 hrs. I couldn't eat and I was totally out of it due to serious amounts of percocet. God bless the person who invented that drug. I spent the rest of the week on IV meds and fluids. It took me days to get re hydrated and all I can say is God was watching the wee one, he/she is perfect. I was petrified I was going to lose the baby, absolutely scared to death. And then I had the best ultrasound. The wee one was having a blast, arms and legs a going and wiggling all over the place. I got to see its sweet profile... eyes, nose and mouth.
I am home now after 5 days in the hospital and still feel pretty terrible. I am now faced with some serious Dr appointments. I am going to have to be monitored by a couple of specialists the remainder of this pregnancy and I am going to have to spend the next 6 months taking it easy. Not something I am very good at but I would rather take a step back now then push my luck and find myself on bed rest. 


Laura said...

glad you wrote all this out...i feel like i understand a little better what's been happening with ya:). take. it. easy!!! love ya!

@JessEsco said...

Oh sweet! I'm so glad you are ok and what an ordeal to go through! YIKES!

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you have been having such a rough time. This time around has been absolutely horrible for me as well, I don't think I have had one 24 hour period where I thought, gee, I feel great. I haven't been able to drink much water either and sour stuff makes me feel less nauseous so I bought some lemonade mix and have been mixing just a bit of that with the water to flavor it. I have also been killing the juice this time around. Maybe you could try something like that. I hope you are on the mend for good! XOXO